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    November Flathead Valley Chapter Meeting

    Date: November 14, 2024, 11:30am – 1:00pm
    Flathead Valley Chapter Board
    FVCC, Arts & Technology Building Room 139
    777 Grandview Drive, Kalispell, MT 59901
    Free for members: $25 for non-members
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    Program:             Uncovering Strength: How Identity Shapes Mental Resilience

    Speaker:              Diana Damron

    Date:                     Thursday, November 14th, 2024

    Time:                    11:30am-1:00pm

                                    Legislative updates & introduction with the speaker to follow.

    Place:                    FVCC, Arts & Technology Building, Room 139

                                    777 Grandview Drive, Kalispell, MT 59901

                                    Zoom option available for those joining remote.

    Program Content

    You might think sometimes that HR is expected to perform miracles…and maybe it is.  You’re asked to build cultures grounded in trust in an atmosphere of distrust, anger, and anxiety. To encourage your employees to engage in difficult conversations, ensure accountability within the organization, and celebrate someone else’s success can feel almost laughable in today’s world.  And yet, that’s exactly what your leadership and your employees expect from you. You’re expected to leave the people in your organization in a better place than where you found them – but to do so, you must be in a pretty good place yourself. After all, HR sets the tone for the organization’s culture.

    At November's Flathead Chapter SHRM meeting, our speaker Diana Damron will reveal how the power of identity drives transformative behaviors that lead to impactful results.


    At the conclusion of this session, your attendees will be able to:

    • Identify and reroute what can lead to anxiety and stress
    • Employ the technique to reframe your problem-makers to problem-solvers
    • Practice the steps to build mental resilience

    Diana Damron has one goal: to help individuals, teams, and organizations build trust from the inside – out. She enlists what she calls the 3 C’s: Civility, Communication, and Character to perform that transformation.

    Diana is a former television anchor who works with organizations to create, grow, and maintain cultures of trust. Described by her clients as “the human whisperer,” Diana has made it her mission to take on the toxic workplace and replace it with a culture of trust.

    What makes Diana’s work unique is that she knows the pain and costs of a workplace built on distrust and incivility. Finding herself a target in a toxic workplace, Diana survived, but certainly did not thrive. Today, she is dedicated to cleaning up and wiping out the pollution of bad behavior and its effects on organizations and the people in them.

    Diana’s latest book, Civility Unleashed, Second Edition is a “how to" book for those who want to foster and work in an environment where talented people can thrive. Additionally, Diana provides readers with a transformative five-step Civility Tool.

    Along with her TEDx Talk, Diana has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Southwest Airlines’ LUV Lines, and national television and radio interviews.